Why is Exercise Important for An Active Lifestyle?

Why is Exercise Important for An Active Lifestyle?

Welcome to the topic “Why is Exercise Important for An Active Lifestyle?”

It is quite obvious to get caught in the workload of your daily life and often neglect personal health or the necessary “personal time” required for personal growth. But a simple way to find time for yourself while nourishing your brain and physique is engaging in regular exercise. We all are well aware of how exercise is essential in our everyday lifestyle, but we can still be much neglected from the vast benefits, it holds for us and our mental state over time.

It is important to remember that we have evolved from nomadic ancestors who used to spend their time running errands in search of food and shelter; thus, our bodies are naturally designed to be active. People who regularly exercise 3 to  4 times a week substantially achieve more productive results in all spheres of life, may it be work-related, social interactions, emotional connections or stability of mindset.

There are a few medical benefits linked with regular exercise that are as follows:


  • Exercise greatly reduces the risk of heart attack or other heart diseases.
  • Helps you achieve a lower blood cholesterol level.
  • Helps you Maintain a positive weight according to your Body Mass Index. (BMI)
  • Have lower blood pressure
  • Stronger bones, joints, and muscles.

Benefits linked with Regular Exercise:


People who develop the habit of regularly exercising or even three days a week start feeling a sense of enormous well-being. They not only feel more energetic and productive throughout the day but also feel more positive and in a relaxed frame of mind throughout their lives.

A Few of the benefits are listed below:

Sharper memory:

Exercise stimulates the growth of new brain-related cells and prevents age-linked diseases like dementia, Parkinson’s etc. It releases endorphins that not only make you feel better but also help you concentrate by increasing your focus span.

Higher Self-esteem:

Exercise can be profoundly considered as an investment in the soul. By meeting goals set during physical exertion, one feels a sense of achievement and thus feels strong and confident.

 Better sleep:

Relaxing exercises like yoga and meditation can help improve your distorted sleep schedule at night and promote deep sleep.

More energetic:

Regular workouts make one feel more energetic and productive throughout the day during work. It boosts the heart rate, which stimulates the nerves in a response.

More resilient:

Building resilience can help you cope with stress and anxiety in a healthier manner instead of resorting to drugs and other intoxications that negatively affect the body and mind. Regular exercise can reduce the impact of stress on an individual.



How to Make Workout Effective and Easy:


Once you have decided to cope with this issue, you need to be self-aware about the type of schedule and routine you are looking for. Even in ordinary circumstances, there are a few guidelines that need to be taken care of before incorporating workouts into your daily routine. Still, with mental instability at hand, things are more complex. Thus, it is vital to make sure you are not outdoing and draining yourself.

It is important to note not to drain yourself mentally and physically with physical exertion but consider it as a treatment plus recreational activity that would give you a sense of accomplishment and directly treat your symptoms in the long run.

Why is Exercise Important for An Active Lifestyle

A few tips to help you get started are as follows:

Start with Smaller Goals: setting extravagant goals for yourself, especially when you are under the waves of depression and anxiety, will only physically and mentally drain you to the point that will leave you sadder. The key is to start with achievable goals and gradually increase the pace to maintain stamina.

Do what you enjoy the most: it’s falsely perceived that a workout needs to be accompanied by heavy props or equipment or the setting of a gym. Healthy exercise could take in any form of what you love as physical exertion, whether walking your dog, playing badminton, swimming with your friends, or cycling.

Exercise when physically active: by a normal self-observation, you would be able to tell yourself at what time of day you are most active, whether early morning, late night, or even mid-day. It is essential to note that it might not go the same as for others as usually early morning is considered a great time to work out, but you do not need to overly stress yourself when you are not mentally and physically ready. Choose anytime you feel most active within the day and keep it consistent.

Exercise while socializing: if you are going to a gym, a walk, or a swim, try to accompany a friend. It would make the time enjoyable for you and make it easier for you since there would be another person motivating you.

Set Goals and Rewards: completing small goals set by you during exercise can ignite feelings of self esteem and accomplishment, and treat yourself well afterward with treats; for example, a warm bath or a shake can further motivate you to improve.

Conclusion :

It can be potentially hard to incorporate a proper workout routine effectively into your lifestyle. Thus, you need to take care of a few guidelines before you plan your routine out. No need to start abruptly. You can start by just 10 minutes a day and gradually increase the timings as per your goal.

Some points to be taken care of are:

  • Try to remain active at least 3 or 4 days a week to incorporate it completely into your lifestyle.
  • Get a pre-checkup before you start vigorous exercise to see if you might develop some side effects or have an underlying condition for which workout may not be preferable.
  • Accumulate 150 to 300 minutes (2 ½ to 5 hours) of moderate-intensity activity or 75 to 150 minutes (1 ¼ to 2 ½ hours) of vigorous-intensity activity or a combination of both moderately each week for fast results.
  • Try to incorporate muscle strength workouts at least two days a week.

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