Which fruit has the highest vitamin C?

Which fruit has the highest vitamin C?

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Keeping our immune function in good shape is an undeniable priority at the moment now, and vitamin C tablets and pills have never been more widely available. However, this water-soluble vitamin is naturally found in a wide variety of fruits that you most likely consume on a daily basis. When we consume fruit that has the highest vitamin C instead of taking them as a pill, we also get the advantages of the other amazing vitamins and minerals that the complete meal has to offer.

Because the human body can’t store vitamin C, people must consume this essential on a daily basis through their food. It dissipates in water, and any excess is excreted through the urinary system. This article discusses the fruits that have the highest in vitamin C concentration and how to include them in your diet. It also explains the function of vitamin C as well as its health advantages.

Which fruit has the highest vitamin C


Oranges, have the upper hand of containing the highest vitamin C in this list, and are perhaps the emblem of vitamin C diets, are actually a good source of the micronutrient. One medium-sized orange has 70mg of vitamin C, making it a great source of vitamin since it offers 78 percent of the daily recommended intake of ascorbic acid. The most well-known variety is Sumo Citrus, a gigantic super-sweet fruit that is very simple to peel and contains 163 percent of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C.

Oranges are popular because of their natural sweetness, the number of varieties are available, and the variety of applications. For example, they can be used in juices and marmalades, eaten whole, or zested to lend a tangy flavor to cakes and sweets. As a reliable source and a trusted source of the antioxidant vitamin C, oranges can aid in the fight against the production of free radicals that cause cancer.


One medium kiwi contains 71 mg of vitamin C, which is 79 percent of the Daily Value. Studies have shown that kiwifruit, which is high in vitamin C, may help to reduce oxidative stress, lower cholesterol, and improve immune function in humans. When 30 healthy people aged 20–51 were given 2–3 kiwis every day for 28 days, the researchers discovered that this reduced blood platelet stickiness by 18 percent and reduced triglyceride levels by 15 percent.

According to another study conducted on 14 males who were suffering from vitamin C deficiency, eating two kiwis daily for four weeks boosted white blood cell activity by 20%. After only one week, vitamin C levels in the blood returned to normal. They also include fiber as well as flavonoids and carotenoids, which are antioxidants that help preserve your cells. Most people peel them first, although the skin provides essential nutrients and fiber. You may try rubbing off the fuzz and eating them with the skin on.


A cup of papaya contains around 90 milligrams of vitamin C, which is sufficient for the entire day. Also high in carotenes, flavonoids, and B vitamins, as well as folate and minerals such as potassium and magnesium, as well as fiber. This mix of nutrients is beneficial for your heart and may even help prevent you from colon cancer if you consume it regularly. Scoop out the seeds, put a little kosher salt on top, then pour some fresh lime juice on top of the dish.

Vitamin C is also beneficial for memory and has powerful anti-inflammatory properties in the brain. An extract of concentrated papaya was administered for six months to 20 patients with moderate Alzheimer’s disease in one trial. The findings revealed that inflammation had been reduced by 40 percent, and oxidative stress had been decreased by 40 percent.


The vitamin C content of a cup of these bite-sized snacks is around 85 milligrams. Aside from that, they have a low-calorie count and are abundant in fiber and a variety of antioxidants. Take note of large berries with a rich red hue, crisp, fresh green tops, and no signs of mold on them. Keep the cap on when washing them in cold water to ensure that the juice stays inside.

Strawberries include a broad and powerful combination of vitamin C, manganese, flavonoids, folate, and other antioxidants. Strawberries have been demonstrated in studies to help prevent cancer, vascular disease, dementia, and diabetes due to their high antioxidant content. One study of 27 patients with metabolic syndrome discovered that eating freeze-dried strawberries daily — the equivalent of 3 cups fresh — decreased risk factors for heart disease.


Lychee has about 7 mg of vitamin C or 7.5 percent of the Daily Value, but a one-cup portion contains 151 percent of the Daily Value. Lychees also contain omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to be beneficial to the brain, heart, and blood vessels of the body. There are no studies on lychee that have been done particularly on it. Despite this, this fruit has a significant amount of vitamin C, which is well-known for its involvement in collagen formation and the health of blood vessels.

Lychee also includes trace levels of B vitamins as well as minerals like magnesium and potassium. In both laboratory and clinical research, scientists discovered positive benefits of lychee extracts from diverse plant sections, according to a 2016 review. The extract, according to the researchers, suppresses cancer cells and viruses, protects the liver, and improves exercise performance.

The Bottom Line

Aside from its numerous other functions, vitamin C is essential for the health of your connective tissue, immune system, heart and blood vessel health, and bone health. It is possible to have bad health consequences if you do not receive enough of this vitamin. However, while citrus fruits are the most well-known source of vitamin C, a wide variety of fruits are also high in this vitamin and may even contain quantities that exceed those found in citrus fruits in some cases.

You should be able to fulfill your requirements by consuming some of the fruits that has the highest Vitamin C listed above on a daily basis. A diet high in the vitamin C is a critical component of maintaining good health and preventing various illnesses from developing.

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