Kiwi Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits

Kiwi Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits

Welcome to the topic “Kiwi Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits.”

Produced in Italy, New Zealand, Chile, and Greece, Kiwifruits, commonly known as their shortened form: Kiwis, are nutritious berries that come in all shapes and sizes. Originating in China, Kiwis are also called the “Chinese Gooseberry.” They now come in over 60 different varieties. Their fuzzy brown appearance, similar to the national bird of New Zealand, also called Kiwi, is what earned them their name. Kiwis are used extensively in the beauty industry and are also great for pregnant ladies! They have several health benefits and are jam-packed with vitamins and minerals.

Nutritional Value Of Kiwis

Let’s suppose a serving size of about 69-75 grams, roughly the size of one kiwifruit. The nutrition in this will be:

  • Calories

There will be about 42 calories in this serving. Kiwis are a very low-calorie food despite being sweet.

  • Carbohydrates

The total carbs in this portion will be 10.1 grams which will include 6.7 grams of sugar.

Glycemic Index (GI). Kiwis also have a low glycemic index of 52.

  • Proteins

Kiwis are very low on protein and have exactly 0.8 grams per serving. The approximately 1 gram of protein per serving makes them an unreliable source of protein.

  • Fats

Kiwis are a poor source of fats having only 0.4 grams of fats in one serving.

  • Water

Kiwis contain about 20% dry matter, and the remaining 80% is water.

  • Fiber

Kiwis are rich in fiber-containing about 2.1 grams of it in one serving. This serves many health benefits.

  • Sodium

Kiwis also contain a small amount, about 2.1-3.8 grams, of sodium in their serving.

  • Potassium

What makes Kiwis so beneficial for our health is their high potassium content. Kiwis contain about 215mg of potassium in one serving.

  • Vitamin C

Kiwis are also a good source of vitamin C containing about 64mg of it. They have more than 100% (almost 230%) of their recommended daily intake (RDI) in one serving, making them a very rich source of it.

  • Other Vitamins

Aside from vitamin C, some other vitamins are also present in kiwis in minute quantities. These include

  1. Vitamin E: One serving of Kiwi has about 1mg of vitamin E, which is 6% of the RDI.
  2. Vitamin K: 27.8mcg of vitamin K is found in one serving of Kiwi, making 23-37% of the RDI.
  3. Folate: The natural form of vitamin B9, folate, is found in a reasonable amount in Kiwis. In one serving, you can get 17.2mcg which is 4% of the RDI. This has several health benefits.



  • Other Minerals

Kiwi has a wide variety of minerals present in small quantities in a serving. These include:

  1. Calcium: Kiwis have about 23.5mg of calcium in some other vitamins, which makes up about 2% of the daily value of calcium needed.
  2. Iron: Kiwis also have a very small amount (about 1% of the recommended daily intake) of iron as well
  3. Phosphorus: The phosphorus concentration in one serving of kiwifruit is 23.5mg like iron. This is approximately 2-3% of the RDI.
  4. Copper: There are approximately 90mcg of coper in one fruit, roughly 10% of the RDI.
  5. Magnesium: 2-4% of the required daily value of magnesium is also found in kiwis. This is about 11.7mg.


  • Other Nutrients

Some other nutrients are also found in Kiwi. For example

  1. Beta Carotene: This is a provitamin used by our bodies to make vitamin A. Some Beta Carotene is found in kiwis as well (35.9mcg in one serving to be more exact)
  2. Lutein and Zeaxanthin: These, like Beta Carotene, are also carotenoids. These are important antioxidants and support eye health. Kiwis contain these in an amount of 84.2mcg.

Kiwi Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits

Health Benefits Of Kiwis

Kiwis serve various health benefits, from good for glowing and healthy skin to being amazing for pregnant ladies to preserve their babies’ health. Some benefits of Kiwis are:

  • Treatment Of Asthma

The Vitamin C and antioxidants present in kiwis are very good for our lungs. This is why it’s possible to use them for the treatment of Asthma patients.

  • Good For Digestion

Kiwis can aid the digestion process in two ways.

  1. Kiwis are rich in fibers, and dietary fibers are great for digestion, stool production, and healthy gut bacteria.
  2. Kiwis contain an enzyme called actinidin which is used for breaking down proteins. This enzyme can also help hasten the digestion cycle in the stomach and small intestines.
  • Immunity Boost

Vitamin C is an essential element for the health of the immune system. With the vitamin C-rich kiwis, the immune system’s likelihood to develop colds and cases of flu can decrease by a great deal. If one already has a cold, it can help to shorten the time it will last. One cup of kiwis has more than 270 percent of the total recommended value. This gives the immune system a massive boost

  • Good for Eye Health

The high levels of zeaxanthin and lutein found in Kiwis positively impact eye health and eyesight. It slows down muscular degeneration in the eyes by 36% in those who consume the fruit in about three servings a day.

  • Protects Against Other Diseases

Some other problems kiwis can help you with include

  1. Frequently consuming kiwis can also lower the risk of colon cancer by preventing oxidative stress and oxidative DNA damage.
  2. Kiwis can help prevent anemia as well.
  3. Kiwis can be used to relieve constipation.
  4. They can also help get rid of kidney stones.


  • Good For Heart Health

Kiwis can be good for managing blood pressure and can reduce the risk of heart diseases. Since they are low in sodium and high in potassium, they help reduce blood pressure. And maintain cholesterol levels. The folate present can also lower the risk of a stroke.


  • Aids Wounds Healing

Vitamin C and Vitamin K are important for the healing of wounds. Vitamin C can pave the way for collagen formation and acts as an antioxidant that can help the body’s natural healing. Vitamin K can promote blood clotting and is good for fracture prevention and bone structure. Since kiwis have both of these vitamins, it makes kiwis good for wound healing as well.

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