Is mental illness permanent?

Is mental illness permanent?

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What is a Mental illness?

A Mental Illness is a condition in which one’s mental health is disrupted, altering the person’s personality, leading to different twists and turns in their personal and social life. Mental illnesses can often lead to compromised sanity and well-being for a more extended period. For this purpose, there are several suitable criteria to diagnose various illnesses and their levels of severity.

What causes mental illness?

The intensity of a mental illness can vary from person to person because not everyone has a similar coping mechanism regarding things that can be triggering. Some people have a higher threshold, and some have a lower, which can be the reason for having various stages and diagnosis criteria.

The following can cause a mental illness:

  1. A traumatic brain injury
  2. Biological factors
  3. Genes and family history
  4. Life experiences


Symptoms of mental illness:

Multiple habits can indicate having a mental illness, and some signs lead to the potential diagnosis. Some of them include

  • Feeling sad or depressed
  • Finding it hard to concentrate and focus
  • Constant worrying and overthinking
  • Feelings of guilt and anxiety
  • Drastic mood changes
  • Disconnection from family and friends.
  • Significant tiredness
  • Feelings of lethargy and low energy
  • Low levels of productivity
  • Loss of appetite
  • Insomnia

How can a person identify if they have a mental illness?

Self-diagnosis can play a significant role in lowering the severity of having a mental illness. It can also be helpful in the actual diagnosis by a professional psychiatrist or a psychologist. When the person is aware of their mental capacity and conditions, the treatment can be a lot more effective and speedier, leading to a significant reduction in severity of the problem.

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Is mental illness permanent?

Can a mental illness be cured permanently?

So, the main question arises: Can a mental illness be taken care of so that it can be cured permanently? And the answer to that is, no, mental illness may not be able to go away permanently, as a lot of research work demonstrates this. Still, it can indeed be cured to the much more bearable for the affected person and their surroundings.

Even if it is cured and the person is back to normal again, it is always possible to reverse to that same state or even worse than before. Although medications and self-control activities can be brought to an exceptionally low level in a person’s life, they can also go to the high end if triggered in a disrupting or disturbing manner.


Why is Treatment Important?

A mental illness can originate from an early age. It can lead up to a worse condition if not treated accordingly. It can also start developing at any age when the person’s mental health takes a big hit. Mental health is an overly sensitive and fragile thing and should be treated like one. So a minor inconvenience and bad influence can disrupt it and lead to life-long effects.

Mental illness can have a considerable impact on a person’s behavior and goes through many challenging times. The mental illness can become a life-long thing if not treated well or according to the situation and being left untreated only gets worse and worse. It is not true that mental illness must be permanent, but the impact it leaves can belong.


PTSD- the most common Mental disorder:


Mental illness can be in the form of various things. For instance, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) can be called a mental illness as the definition suggests: “post-traumatic stress disorder is a disorder which may occur in people who have experienced a traumatic event or natural disaster. And then these types of situations take a toll on a person’s mental health.”

Although for its treatment, many things can be done like going for therapy sessions and interacting with supportive family and friends that can help people overcome the adverse effects but once diagnosed, PTSD is considered nothing less than a disability as there is no permanent cure. It can always come back with a much powerful force.

When a person experiences PTSD, it is tough to stay confident, and the personality damage is drastically visible. These effects can always be minimized but never permanently erased. So, the best thing to do is always check your mental health and avoid the situations that may cause or disrupt it.


Bipolar Disorder as a Mental Illness:


Also, another mental illness is a mood disorder or bipolar disorder. If we talk about depression, which is an absolute feeling of sadness and loss of interest, it also stops one from performing basic activities.

When a person is in depression, the drive to do regular and basic activities starts to feel like hectic chores, and the purpose of life begins to fade extremely fast. It can be drastic and can cause life-long and permanent damage to personal and social lives, which is hard to regain, and making up for it can sometimes lead to even more damage.


There is no such cure for depression, but it can be minimized by making someone feel sane again. The process includes therapy sessions and doing uplifting activities that can help them feel alive again. This can help bring the illness to a significant low in the exceedingly long or short time period. It all depends on the extent of the disorder with which the person is affected.


So, in conclusion, mental illnesses can be made into a permanent problem if not treated earlier and according to the severity of the problem, which can further lead to adverse and long-lasting effects on people’s lives and their surroundings. The daily routine, personal and social life is significantly affected.

Undoubtedly, the illness cannot always be permanent, but the impact it leaves and the changes it makes will make a difference if not dealt with in particular care. All you need to do is make sure to avoid triggering situations and always keep your mental stability whenever it fluctuates.


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